Inspired from a JuMP tutorial
In this practical session, we explain the sensitivity interpretation of dual values using the lp_sensitivity_report
In brief, sensitivity analysis of a linear program is about asking two questions:
Given an optimal solution, how much can I change the objective coefficients before a different solution becomes optimal?
Given an optimal solution, how much can I change the right-hand side of a linear constraint before a different solution becomes optimal?
JuMP provides a function, lp_sensitivity_report
, to help us compute these values, but this tutorial extends that to create more informative tables in the form of a DataFrame
This tutorial uses the following packages:
using JuMP
import HiGHS
import DataFrames
as well as this small linear program:
model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, 0 <= y <= 3)
@variable(model, z <= 1)
@objective(model, Min, 12x + 20y - z)
@constraint(model, c1, 6x + 8y >= 100)
@constraint(model, c2, 7x + 12y >= 120)
@constraint(model, c3, x + y <= 20)
solution_summary(model; verbose = true)
Can you identify:
The objective coefficient of each variable?
The right-hand side of each constraint?
The optimal primal and dual solutions?
Now let's call lp_sensitivity_report
report = lp_sensitivity_report(model)
It returns a SensitivityReport
object, which maps:
Every variable reference to a tuple (d_lo, d_hi)::Tuple{Float64,Float64}
, explaining how much the objective coefficient of the corresponding variable can change by, such that the original basis remains optimal.
Every constraint reference to a tuple (d_lo, d_hi)::Tuple{Float64,Float64}
, explaining how much the right-hand side of the corresponding constraint can change by, such that the basis remains optimal.
Both tuples are relative, rather than absolute. So, given an objective coefficient of 1.0
and a tuple (-0.5, 0.5)
, the objective coefficient can range between 1.0 - 0.5
an 1.0 + 0.5
For example:
indicates that the objective coefficient on x
, that is, 12
, can decrease by -0.333
or increase by 3.0
and the primal solution (15, 1.25)
will remain optimal. In addition:
means that the right-hand side of the c1
constraint (100), can decrease by 4 units, or increase by 2.85 units, aand the primal solution (15, 1.25)
will remain optimal.
By themselves, the tuples aren't informative. Let's put them in context by collating a range of other information about a variable:
function variable_report(xi)
return (
name = name(xi),
lower_bound = has_lower_bound(xi) ? lower_bound(xi) : -Inf,
value = value(xi),
upper_bound = has_upper_bound(xi) ? upper_bound(xi) : Inf,
reduced_cost = reduced_cost(xi),
obj_coefficient = coefficient(objective_function(model), xi),
allowed_decrease = report[xi][1],
allowed_increase = report[xi][2],
Calling our function on x
x_report = variable_report(x)
That's a bit hard to read, so let's call this on every variable in the model and put things into a DataFrame:
variable_df =
DataFrames.DataFrame(variable_report(xi) for xi in all_variables(model))
Great! That looks just like the reports in Excel.
We can do something similar with constraints:
function constraint_report(ci)
return (
name = name(ci),
value = value(ci),
rhs = normalized_rhs(ci),
slack = normalized_rhs(ci) - value(ci),
shadow_price = shadow_price(ci),
allowed_decrease = report[ci][1],
allowed_increase = report[ci][2],
c1_report = constraint_report(c1)
That's a bit hard to read, so let's call this on every variable in the model and put things into a DataFrame:
constraint_df = DataFrames.DataFrame(
constraint_report(ci) for (F, S) in list_of_constraint_types(model) for
ci in all_constraints(model, F, S) if F == AffExpr
Now we can use these dataframes to ask questions of the solution.
For example, we can find basic variables by looking for variables with a reduced cost of 0:
basic = filter(row -> iszero(row.reduced_cost), variable_df)
and non-basic variables by looking for non-zero reduced costs:
non_basic = filter(row -> !iszero(row.reduced_cost), variable_df)
we can also find constraints that are binding by looking for zero slacks:
binding = filter(row -> iszero(row.slack), constraint_df)
or non-zero shadow prices:
binding2 = filter(row -> !iszero(row.shadow_price), constraint_df)
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