Benoît Legat

Practical 2 – Multiple linear regressions in Julia and introduction to JuMP

Written by: Jean Bouchat

Dataset import

using CSV
using DataFrames

df = DataFrame(CSV.File("./Life Expectancy Data.csv", normalizenames=true))

Linear regression

using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics

new_df = dropmissing(df)

new_df = new_df[new_df.Year .== 2012, :]


y = new_df.Life_expectancy
A = new_df.BMI

Plot the data

scatter(A, y, label="Data")

Add a column of ones to the right of A'

new_A = hcat(A, ones(length(A)))

Solve the system Ax=y to find x, i.e., the coefficients of the linear regression model

coefs = new_A\y # Cannot handle missing values

Plot the regression line

x_plot = minimum(A):maximum(A)
y_plot = coefs[1]*x_plot .+ coefs[2]
label = string(coefs[1], "*x + ", coefs[2])

println("Regression line: $(label)")
println("R = $(cor(new_df.Life_expectancy, new_df.BMI))")

plot!(x_plot, y_plot, label=label)


features = ["Life_expectancy", "Total_expenditure", "GDP",
    "Income_composition_of_resources", "Adult_Mortality", "Schooling"]

for feature in features
    if feature != "Country" && feature != "Year" && feature != "Status"


y = new_df.Life_expectancy
        A = new_df[:, feature]

Preparing the figure

fig = plot()

Plot the data

scatter!(A, y, label="Data")

Add a column of ones to the right of A'

new_A = hcat(A, ones(length(A)))

Solve the system Ax=y to find x, i.e., the coefficients of the linear regression model

coefs = new_A\y # Cannot handle missing values

Plot the regression line

x_plot = range(minimum(A), maximum(A), 100)
        y_plot = coefs[1]*x_plot .+ coefs[2]
        label = string(coefs[1], "*x + ", coefs[2])
        xlabel = feature
        ylabel = "Life expectancy in 2012"

        display("Regression line: $(label)")

Prdicting Life_expectancy from feature using regression model

y_hat = coefs[1].*A .+ coefs[2]

Computing correlation coefficient

display("R = $(cor(y, y_hat))")

        plot!(x_plot, y_plot, label=label, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel)

Displaying the figure


Multiple linear regressions


y = new_df.Life_expectancy

A is the key to go from single to multiple linear regression !

A = hcat(new_df.Adult_Mortality, new_df.Schooling, ones(size(new_df, 1)))

Solve the system Ax=y to find x, i.e., the coefficients of the linear regression model

coefs = A\y # Cannot handle missing values

println("Regression line: $(coefs[1])*x1 + $(coefs[2])*x2 + $(coefs[3])")

Use the regression model to predict Lifeexpectancy from AdultMortality and Schooling

y_hat = coefs[1].*new_df.Adult_Mortality + coefs[2].*new_df.Schooling .+ coefs[3]

Compute correlation coefficient

println("R = $(cor(y, y_hat))")

ADD Correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination

Linear regression with JuMP JuMP documentation HiGHS documentation

using Pkg Pkg.add("JuMP") Pkg.add("HiGHS")

using JuMP
using HiGHS # Solver

Simple linear regression via least squares

minimizea,bi=1N(yiri)2\text{minimize}_{a, b} \sum_{i=1}^{N} (y_i-r_i)^2

such that

ri=axi+b,i=1,,Nr_i = ax_i+b, \quad i=1,\ldots,N
y = new_df.Life_expectancy
x = new_df.Schooling
N = length(x)

model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)

@variable(model, a)
@variable(model, b)
@expression(model, r[i = 1:N], a*x[i] + b)

@objective(model, Min, sum((y[i] - r[i])^2 for i=1:N))


@show value(a)
@show value(b);


The diet problem was one of the first problems in optimization. George Joseph Stigler formulated the problem of the optimal diet in the late 1930s in an attempt to satisfy the concern of the North American army to find the most economical way to feed its troops while at the same time ensuring certain nutritional requirements.

Your homework consists in solving the diet problem described in Czyzyk and Wisniewski (1996), Section 2, pp. 2-3, using JuMP.

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