Example 5.4 of [PJ08]

Contributed by: Benoît Legat

Example 5.4 of [PJ08]. The JSR is conjectured to be equal to $8.9149 = \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)}$ in [PJ08] by noticing that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}4} \approx \rho_{\text{SOS-}6} \approx 8.92$.

In this notebook, we see that the technique developped in [LPJ17] finds the cycle $(1, 3)$ for degrees 1, 2, 3 already with $l = 1$. The upper bound is computed with Mosek v8.1.0.61 with an log-accuracy of 4e-7 (i.e. the different of the logarithms is smaller than $4 \times 10^{-7}$). We see that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}2} > \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)}$ as already shown in [PJ08] but we show that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}4} > \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)}$ and that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}6} - \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)} < 1.53 \times 10^{-7}$ hence conjecture that they are equal.

[PJ08] P. Parrilo and A. Jadbabaie, Approximation of the joint spectral radius using sum of squares. Linear Algebra and its Applications, Elsevier, 2008, 428, 2385-2402

[LPJ17] Legat, B., Parrilo, P. A., & Jungers, R. M. Certifying unstability of Switched Systems using Sum of Squares Programming. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.01814, 2017.

using SwitchOnSafety
A1 = [ 0  1  7  4;
       1  6 -2 -3;
      -1 -1 -2 -6;
       3  0  9  1]
A2 = [-3  3  0 -2;
      -2  1  4  9;
       4 -3  1  1;
       1 -5 -1 -2]
A3 = [ 1  4  5 10;
       0  5  1 -4;
       0 -1  4  6;
      -1  5  0  1]
s = discreteswitchedsystem([A1, A2, A3])
Hybrid System with automaton OneStateAutomaton(3)

We first apply Gripenberg

@time psw, ub = gripenberg(s)
(PSW(8.914964143716158, [1, 3]), 8.924964143716158)

Pick an SDP solver from this list.

import CSDP
optimizer_constructor = optimizer_with_attributes(CSDP.Optimizer, MOI.Silent() => true);

sosdata(s).lb = 0.0
@time lb2, ub2 = soslyapb(s, 1, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=4e-7, step=0.5, verbose=1)
(5.635326998733677, 9.76067500619735)

From the infeasibility certificate of the last infeasible SemiDefinite Program (SDP) solved by in order to obtain the upper bound, we find the lower bound $\rho(A_1A_3)^{1/2} \approx 8.914964$.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 1)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(8.914964143716158, [3, 1])

We see below that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}4} > 8.919 > \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)}$.

sosdata(s).lb = 0.0
@time lb4, ub4 = soslyapb(s, 2, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=4e-7, step=0.5, verbose=1)
(6.777596245727607, 8.919820415937135)

We now try to round the infeasibility certificate to get a lower bound.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 2)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(8.914964143716158, [3, 1])

We now compute $\rho_{\text{SOS-}6}$.

sosdata(s).lb = 0.0
@time lb6, ub6 = soslyapb(s, 3, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=4e-7, step=0.5, verbose=1)
(7.423339171646347, 8.914964467528621)

To see how good is the upper bound, we use rounding to get a lower bound.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 3)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(8.914964143716158, [3, 1])

We see below that $\rho_{\text{SOS-}6} - \sqrt{\rho(A_1 A_3)} < 1.53 \times 10^{-7}$

ub6 - psw.growthrate

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