Example 5.4 of [AJPR14]

Contributed by: Benoît Legat

In the Example 5.4 of [AJPR14], the authors study the following system whose JSR is 3.917384715148. In this example, we reproduce their numerical results. The system is characterized by the matrices $\mathcal{A} = \{A_1, A_2\}$ where the matrices are given below:

[AJPR14] A. Ahmadi, R. Jungers, P. Parrilo and M. Roozbehani, Joint spectral radius and path-complete graph Lyapunov functions. SIAM J. CONTROL OPTIM 52(1), 687-717, 2014.

using SwitchOnSafety
A1 = [-1 -1
      -4  0]
A2 = [ 3  3
      -2  1]
s = discreteswitchedsystem([A1, A2])
Hybrid System with automaton OneStateAutomaton(2)

Pick an SDP solver from this list.

import CSDP
optimizer_constructor = optimizer_with_attributes(CSDP.Optimizer, MOI.Silent() => true);

We first try with a Common Quadratic Lyapunov Function (CQLF) and obtain $\rho_{\mathcal{V}^2}(\mathcal{A}) \approx 3.980613$ and the corresponding lower bound $\rho_{\mathcal{V}^2}(\mathcal{A}) / \sqrt{2} ≈ 2.814547$.

lb, ub = soslyapb(s, 1, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=1e-6, verbose=1)
(2.814632555501183, 3.9804953291809677)

From the infeasibility certificate of the last infeasible SemiDefinite Program (SDP) solved by in order to obtain the upper bound, we find the lower bound $\rho(A_2A_1)^{1/2} \approx 3.917384715148$.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 1, p_0=:Primal)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(3.9173847151482413, [1, 2])

Now with a quartic lyapunov function, we get the tighter upper bound $\rho_{\mathcal{V}^{\text{SOS},4}}(\mathcal{A}) \approx 3.9241$.

lb, ub = soslyapb(s, 2, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=1e-6, verbose=1)
(3.299742874215889, 3.92408144599097)

We find the same lower bound from the infeasibility certificate.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 2, p_0=:Primal)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(3.9173847151482413, [1, 2])

This upper bound is further improved by computing quadratic lyapunov functions for the the system obtained with the graph $G_1$ of [Fig. 3.1, AJPR14].

G1 = mdependentlift(s, 1, false)
lb, ub = soslyapb(G1, 1, optimizer_constructor=optimizer_constructor, tol=1e-6, verbose=1)
(2.7735232262173155, 3.9223579027235176)

We again find the same lower bound from the infeasibility certificate.

seq = sosbuildsequence(s, 2, p_0=:Primal)
psw = findsmp(seq)
PSW(3.9173847151482413, [1, 2])

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