This section describes types implemented in HybridSystems.jl
Hybrid systems
Abstract supertype for a hybrid system.
— Type.HybridSystem{A, S, R, W, SV<:AbstractVector{S}, RV<:AbstractVector{R}, RW<:AbstractVector{W}} <: AbstractHybridSystem
A hybrid system modelled as a hybrid automaton.
– hybrid automaton of typeA
– vector of modes of typeS
indexed by the discrete states, both the domain and the dynamic are stored in this field. Seestateset
to access the domain.resetmaps
– vector of reset maps of typeR
indexed by the label of the transition, the guard is stored as constraint of the map in this field. Seestateset
to access the guard.switchings
– vector of switchings of typeW
indexed by the label of the transition, seeAbstractSwitching
– dictionary that can be used by extensions.
The automaton automaton
of type A
models the different discrete states and the allowed transitions with corresponding labels.
The mode dynamic and domain are stored in a continuous dynamical system of type S
in the vector modes
. They are indexed by the discrete states of the automaton.
The reset maps and guards are given as a map or a discrete dynamical system of type R
in the vector resetmaps
. They are indexed by the labels of the corresponding transition.
The switching of type W
is given in the switchings
vector, indexed by the label of the transition.
Additional data can be stored in the ext
— Type.AbstractAutomaton
Abstract type for an automaton.
— Type.AbstractTransition
Abstract type for the transition of an automaton.
— Type.OneStateAutomaton
Automaton with one state and the nt
events 1, ..., nt
— Type.OneStateTransition
Transition of OneStateAutomaton
with label σ
— Type.LightAutomaton{GT, ET} <: AbstractAutomaton
A hybrid automaton that uses the LightGraphs
backend. See the constructor LightAutomaton(::Int)
– graph of typeGT
whose vertices determine the statesΣ
– dictionary mapping the edges to their labels
— Method.LightAutomaton(n::Int)
Creates a LightAutomaton
with n
states 1, 2, ..., n
. The automaton is initialized without any transitions, use add_transition!
to add transitions.
To create an automaton with 2 nodes 1, 2, self-loops of labels 1, a transition from 1 to 2 with label 2 and transition from 2 to 1 with label 3, do the following:
julia> a = LightAutomaton(2);
julia> add_transition!(a, 1, 1, 1) # Add a self-loop of label 1 for state 1
HybridSystems.LightTransition{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge{Int64}}(Edge 1 => 1, 1)
julia> add_transition!(a, 2, 2, 1) # Add a self-loop of label 1 for state 2
HybridSystems.LightTransition{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge{Int64}}(Edge 2 => 2, 2)
julia> add_transition!(a, 1, 2, 2) # Add a transition from state 1 to state 2 with label 2
HybridSystems.LightTransition{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge{Int64}}(Edge 1 => 2, 3)
julia> add_transition!(a, 2, 1, 3) # Add a transition from state 2 to state 1 with label 3
HybridSystems.LightTransition{LightGraphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge{Int64}}(Edge 2 => 1, 4)
struct LightTransitionIterator{GT, ET, VT}
automaton::LightAutomaton{GT, ET}
Iterate over the transitions of automaton
by iterating over the edges edge
of edge_iterator
and the ids id
of automaton.Σ[edge]
for each one. Its elements are LightTransition(edge, id)
— Type.AbstractSwitching
Nature of the switching, e.g. AutonomousSwitching
or ControlledSwitching
, see Section 1.1.3 of [1]
[1] Liberzon, D. Switching in systems and control. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
AutonomousSwitching <: AbstractSwitching
Controlled switching, the switching signal is autonomous.
ControlledSwitching <: AbstractSwitching
Controlled switching, the switching signal is controlled.