

This section describes systems methods implemented in HybridSystems.jl.

Switched Systems

The following method makes it easy to create specific kind of hybrid systems called switched systems


Creates the discrete switched linear system defined by

\[x_{k+1} = A_{\sigma_k} x_k, \sigma_k = 1, \ldots, m.\]

where m is the length of A.

discreteswitchedsystem(A::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, S::AbstractVector)

Creates the state dependent discrete switched linear system defined by

\[x_{k+1} = A_{\sigma_k} x_k, \sigma_k = 1, \ldots, m, x_k \in S[\sigma_k].\]

where m is the length of A and S.

discreteswitchedsystem(A::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, G::AbstractAutomaton)

Creates the constrained discrete switched linear system defined by

\[x_{k+1} = A_{\sigma_k} x_k,\]

where $\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_k$ is a valid sequence of events of the automaton G.

discreteswitchedsystem(A::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, G::AbstractAutomaton, S::AbstractVector)

Creates the state-dependent constrained discrete switched linear system defined by

\[x_{k+1} = A_{\sigma_k} x_k, x_k \in S[q_k]\]

where $q_0, \sigma_1, q_1, \ldots, q_{k-1}, \sigma_k, q_k$ is a valid sequence of events of the automaton G with intermediate states $q_0, \ldots, q_k$.

Continuous sub-systems

statedim(hs::HybridSystem, u::Int)

Returns the dimension of the state space of the system at discrete state u.

stateset(s::AbstractSystem, u::Int)

Returns the set of allowed states of the system at discrete state u.

inputdim(s::AbstractSystem, u::Int)

Returns the dimension of the input space of the system at mode u.

inputset(s::AbstractSystem, u::Int)

Returns the set of allowed inputs of the system at mode u.

inputset(s::AbstractSystem, t)

Returns the set of allowed inputs for the transition t.

Hybrid automata



Returns an iterator over the states of the automaton A. It has the alias modes.


Returns the number of states of the automaton A. It has the alias nmodes.

rem_state!(A::AbstractAutomaton, q)

Remove the state q to the automaton A.

mode(hs::HybridSystem, u::Int)

Returns the mode of the dynamical system at discrete state u.

target_mode(hs::AbstractHybridSystem, t)

Returns the target mode for the transition t.



Returns type of the transitions of the automaton A.


Returns an iterator over the transitions of the automaton A.

transitions(A::AbstractAutomaton, q, r)

Returns an iterator over the transitions from state q to state r of the automaton A.


Returns the number of transitions of the automaton A.

add_transition!(A::AbstractAutomaton, q, r, σ)

Adds a transition between states q and r with symbol σ to the automaton A.

has_transition(A::AbstractAutomaton, t::AbstractTransition)::Bool

Returns a Bool indicating whether the automaton A has the transition t.

has_transition(A::AbstractAutomaton, q, r)::Bool

Returns a Bool indicating whether the automaton A has a transition from state q to state r.

rem_transition!(A::AbstractAutomaton, t::AbstractTransition)

Remove the transition t from the automaton A.

source(A::AbstractAutomaton, t::AbstractTransition)

Returns the source of the transition t.

event(A::AbstractAutomaton, t::AbstractTransition)

Returns the event/symbol of the transition t in the automaton A. It has the alias symbol.

target(A::AbstractAutomaton, t::AbstractTransition)

Returns the target of the transition t.

in_transitions(A::AbstractAutomaton, s)

Returns an iterator over the transitions with target s.

out_transitions(A::AbstractAutomaton, s)

Returns an iterator over the transitions with source s.

Guards and Assignments

resetmap(hs::HybridSystem, t)

Returns the reset map for the transition t.

guard(hs::HybridSystem, t)

Returns the guard for the transition t.

assignment(hs::HybridSystem, t)

Returns the assignment for the transition t.


switchings(s::HybridSystem, k::Int, v0::Int, forward::Bool=true)

Iterates over all the forward switching of length k starting at mode v0.